Reflections on past work and new work
Sandy Tilcock
October 1, 2020
It’s about honoring words, giving them the same import as visual images.
Sandy Tilcock
It’s about honoring words, giving them the same import as visual images.
Sandy & Patrick Tilcock
For us, this is a “Well now, where were we?” moment.
Patrick Tilcock
Phoebe, the faithful cylinder press, remains under protective blankets … We imagine she must be dreaming of new projects with eager anticipation.
Patrick Tilcock
As Robert Frost might observe, we took this less-traveled road, and it has made all the difference.
Catherine Woodard
Nik describes a seminal Sandy moment when he noticed the precise kern (space) between a v and period in her 10-point lead type.
“What you do is frankly insane,” he says…
Patrick Tilcock
It has been an exciting journey over the past year as the design for Catherine Woodard’s poem cycle Opening the Mouth of the Dead.
Sandy Tilcock
I became more curious about these birds, their symbolism, life cycle and family life. During migration, should a goose become injured, another goose will leave the flock and remain with its comrade…
Sandy Tilcock
The exhibition brought together heart-rending works reaching for the deepest insights and utterances of poetry and myth, and playful, outrageous, sometimes unnerving explorations of the book as object, taking us to the edge.
Sandy Tilcock
As the year drew to a close, we were still casting about for a text. Then an unexpected freezing rain ice storm arrived…